Corporate accountability for human rights and the environment in Europe

Objavljeno: 14. 3. 2024

The project aims to advocate for sustainable legislation and foster a culture of economic fairness in Slovenia. Our primary objective for 2024 is the transposition of the CSDDD legislation, a crucial step towards achieving a more sustainable and equitable economy.

As active members of the economic justice steering group, we participate in regular meetings with ECCJ Working Groups and other coalitions. With the support of funding, we can intensify our efforts both nationally and internationally, advocating for ambitious legislation and shaping the discourse on economic justice.

By partnering with Delavska svetovalnica, we can highlight cases of corporate abuse and address issues of insufficient access to justice in Slovenia. Additionally, our collaboration with the Centre for Business Excellence at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, facilitates communication with companies, enabling us to identify best practices and influential allies for advocacy.

Through exchanges with our national partners, we aim to assess the supporting environment necessary for the effective implementation of CSDDD and the transition to sustainable business models. This preliminary overview will lay the groundwork for our advocacy activities and guide our efforts towards a more just and sustainable economic future for Slovenia.

The project os cofinanced by Wellspring foundation through Friends of the Earth Europe.

Duration: January 2022 – December 2024.

Partners: Friends of the Earth Europe, Pravična trgovina Slovenija, Delavska Svetovalnica

Novice o projektu

Pomembna zmaga za svetovne gozdove

Evropski poslanci so v veliki meri podprli zahteve državljanov, ki si želimo, da bi pot na naše nakupovalne police končno našli izključno izdelki, ki ne povzročajo uničevanja gozda in ostalih ekosistemov in ki ne kršijo pravic staroselskih skupnosti.

14. 9. 2022|
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