E-news update 22 March 2010


1.1. Europe fails to find its feet after Copenhagen
1.2. EU climate chief urges U.S. to act
1.3. Bolivia creates a new opportunity for climate talks that failed at Copenhagen


2.1. T&E and other NGOs take legal action against Commission


3.1. EU blocks re-use of offsets, BluexNext to resume


4.1. EU climate ambition is still too weak to spark green economic recovery


5.1. Climate Justice and Energy Campaigner
5.2. Senior Public Affairs Officer, Marine and Fisheries Programme, Brussels, Belgium


6.1. Earth Hour 2010

21. 3. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 15 March 2010


1.1. EU ministers to back 'urgent' climate aid for poor nations
1.2. EU climate strategy: Commissioner Hedegaard picks up the pieces
1.3. Stern backs $100bn IMF climate fund plan


2.1. Few EU countries plan to trade renewable energy
2.2. Green groups sue Commission over withheld biofuels docs
2.3. West worries about Russia turning to coal
2.4. Brussels against exporting nuclear waste outside EU


3.1. EU CO2 tax proposal due in April
3.2. UK import emissions are the highest in Europe, figures show
3.3. Carbon offsetting in the EU: who's buying what, where revealed for the first time
3.4. UNECE announces the introduction in 41 countries of type approval for electric and hybrid vehicles’ electric safety requirements
3.5. Motor lobby attack on van CO2 law is not credible
3.6. Drivers of older cars 'could be charged twice as much to park


4.1. INNOVATIONS - Position paper on Benchmarking and allocation rules in phase III of the EU Emissions Trading System
4.2. The Carbon Rich List : The companies profiting from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme


5.1. Bond Development and Environment Group Coordinator
5.2. Expert to ISO TC 229 Nanotechnologies


6.1. Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism - CDM-EB 53
6.2. The EU Sustainable Energy Week 22-26 March 2010

12. 3. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Poziv ministru Žarniæu: Kaj se dogaja na Upravi RS za jedrsko varnost?

Danes smo ministra Žarniæa pozvali, da oblikuje neodvisno komisijo, ki bo raziskala, kaj se v resnici dogaja na Uprave RS za jedrsko varnost (URSJV). Že nekaj tednov je v medijih mogoče zaslediti poročila o napakah v delovanju URSJV in le vprašanje časa je, kdaj se utegne katera od teh kršitev izkazati za katastrofalno.

10. 3. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news updade 8 March 2010

1.1.Copenhagen: EU Not Done Yet!
1.2. More Warming Worries: Methane from the Arctic
1.3. China sticks to int'l climate cooperation
1.4. World leaders, top academics selected for Ban’s climate change advisory group


2.1. NEW REPORT: EU funds must plug clean energy gap in central and eastern Europe
2.2. EU drafts warn of biofuels' link to hunger


3.1. Don't let the carbon fat cats stop us moving to 30%
3.2. EU plans centralised CO2 auctioning from 2011


4.1. 'Difficult birth' awaits EU diplomatic service
4.2. EU’s new 10-year plan lacks ambition in green economy


5.1. 18/03/2010 - Conference: Start-Stop or Full Throttle - Europe's transport decarbonisation strategy

7. 3. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 1 March 2010


1.1. UNEP Chief: Environment Ministers Find Collective Voice Again
1.2. New deal unlikely this year: De Boer
1.3. Green economy, climate change get support
1.4. World warming unhindered by cold spells: scientists
1.5. EU official warns climate aid 'will not come for free'
1.6. First round of formal UN climate change negotiations to take place in April in Bonn, Germany


2.1. European Funding Coordinator, Brussels, Belgium


3.1. Position paper on Benchmarking and allocation rules in phase III of the EU Emissions Trading System


4.1. 18/03/2010 - Conference: Start-Stop or Full Throttle - Europe's transport decarbonisation strategy

28. 2. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Sporočilo za javnost_ Novi zakon o davku na motorna vozila ni za polnjenje proračuna, temveč za varovanje okolja

Ljubljana, 26. februar 2010 - Slovenija je naredila prvi korak na področju zmanjševanja emisij iz osebnega prometa. 1. marca 2010 začne veljati nov zakon o davku na motorna vozila, ki bo nakup novih avtomobilov obdavčil glede na to, koliko onesnažujejo: progresivna davčna lestvica predvideva najnižjo obdavčitev za vozila z najnižjimi izpusti CO2 in najvišjo obdavčitev za vozila z najvišjimi izpusti. Nov zakon ločuje tudi med navadnimi in dizelskimi vozili, kjer so dizelska vozila bolj obdavčena, zaradi negativnega vpliva izpustov prašnih delcev in NOx na okolje in zdravje ljudi.

26. 2. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 22 February 2010


1.1. U.N. Cimate Chief De Boer To Quit In July
1.2. EU CO2 Eases, Ignores UN Climate Head Departure


2.1. Leaked guidance rings alarm bells over sustainability of biofuels
2.2. US nuclear waste solution not needed for decades: DOE official
2.3. EU on track to meet 20% renewable energy target by 2020: EWEA
2.4. EU biofuels significantly harming food production in developing countries


3.1. Poland May Seek 5.5% Increase in Its EU Carbon Quota (Update1)


4.1. Eurovignette
4.2. First climate change commissioner targets lorries and cars for emissions cuts

22. 2. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

ODGOVOR na reakcijo TEŠ glede tiskovne konference “EBRD naj za zdaj ne odobri posojila za TEŠ 6”

Spoštovani,V odgovor na reakcijo TEŠ, ki jo je podjetje preko agencije STA (http://www.o-sta.com/msg.php?id=5512) dalo na današnjo tiskovno konferenco treh organizacij (Umanotera, Slovenski E-forum in Focus društvo), želimo v Focus društvu za sonaraven razvoj izpostaviti naslednje:1. Pripombe Focus drušva naj bi navajale 'veliko nepreverjenih podatkov, ugibanj in pavšalnih domnev'. S to ugotovitvijo TEŠ namerno blati ime društva, saj so vsi podatki, na katerih temeljijo pripombe, podatki, ki so objavljeni v uradnih dokumentih in zakonodaji, viri informacij pa so vsebovani v dokumentu. V dveh primerih gre za opozarjanje na možnost določenih dogodkov, kar bi lahko bilo razumljeno kot ugibanje, vendar je to [več ...]

18. 2. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 15 February 2010


1.1. Climate discussion postponed as economic issues and Greece dominate summit
1.2. G20, U.N. vote reform could help climate deal
1.3. EU's Ashton to engage China on climate change


2.1. Recharging fuel efficiency standards
2.2. Commission withholding key research on environmental impacts of biofuels
2.3. EU must commit to green electric cars
2.4. European Commission plans to sacrifice forests for biofuels


3.1. China’s venturing into a carbon market 10/02/10
3.2. ANALYSIS - Tokyo CO2 credit trading plan may become a model


4.1. Green Power for Electric Cars


5.1. Policy Officer, Climate Change and Development - advertisement and job description
14. 2. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

EU se mora zavezati k zelenim električnim avtomobilom

Bruselj/Ljubljana, 8. februar 2010 – Večje število električnih avtomobilov na naših cestah lahko poveča ogljikove izpuste, razen v primeru, da jih poganja zelena energija, pravi novo neodvisno poročilo naročeno s strani Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace in Transport & Environment. Okoljevarstvene orgaizacije pozivajo k nacionalnim ciljem za obnovljive vire energije (OVE), ki bi zagotovili, da so emisije iz električnih avtomobilov resnično ničelne.

5. 2. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 1 February 2010


1.1. Putting a stop to the Arctic Meltdown
1.2. Ocean Acidification
1.3. Time for Lukewarm Europe to turn up the heat
1.4. EU continues failed Copenhagen climate tactics
1.5. Copenhagen climate deal gets low-key endorsement


2.1. Zapatero announces EU electric car plan
2.2. Oil demand has peaked in developed world: IEA
2.3. Approval sought for new Slovenian reactor
2.4. Europe launches nuclear academy


3.1. U.S. pledges 17 percent emissions reduction by 2020
3.2. Oslo reiterates pledge of at least 30 pct CO2 cut


4.1. Regional Nuclear Campaigner


5.1. UNFCCC events in 2010

1. 2. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 25 January 2010


1.1. Copenhagen & beyond: Stage set for BASIC meet in Delhi
1.2. EU Environment Ministers agree to carry on doing nothing
1.3. Coreper I Discussion on Climate Targets for Copenhagen Accord
1.4. Biodiversity loss to cost Europe €1.1 trillion per year in 2050 unless an ambitious EU target is adopted now
1.5. Greens embrace enzymes in climate change fight
1.6. Copenhagen : EU Not Done Yet!


2.1. Energy Summit balances Copenhagen setbacks


3.1. Govt preparing decree to cut gas emissions
3.2. Carbon market exec still hopes for climate bill


4.1. Monitoring the CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU: data for the year 2008


5.1. UNFCCC events in 2010

25. 1. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

S TV iskalnikom do bolj ekomičnega TV sprejemnika v vsak dom

Ljubljana, 19. januar 2010 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je pripravilo t.i. TV iskalnik, ki kupcem omogoča, da z izbiro energetsko najučinkovitejšega TV sprejemnika prihranijo na stroških elektrike. Večji televizijski sprejemniki porabljajo več energije, vendar pa je mogoče enako udobje doseči ob bistveno nižjih ravneh porabe energije.

20. 1. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 18 January 2010

CLIMATE 1.1. Last-minute agreement at Copenhagen marks turning point for the world 1.2. China, 3 others to chart climate roadmap 1.3. Commission wants quick follow-up on Copenhagen 1.4. EU's Hedegaard urges quick move to deeper CO2 cuts

ENERGY 2.1. Areva considers producing cheaper reactors 2.2. Legal Complaint Filed Against Germany Over New Coal Plant 2.3. Oettinger defends European vision on energy

EMISSIONS 3.1. EU Unlikely To Extend Emissions Cuts: Ministers 3.3. EU carbon prices rise to one-month high 3.4. Hedegaard eyes tougher emission cuts from transport

PUBLICATIONS 4.1. Copenhagen: Not done yet - Sandbag

18. 1. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 11 January 2010


1.1. Peaceful Greenpeace climate protesters released after 20 days of imprisonment without trial
1.2. Australians Sweating After Hottest Decade on Record
1.3. Cold weather 'doesn't undermine global warming science'
1.4. EU to review climate strategy in February


2.1. EU urged to prioritise tackling energy poverty


3.1. Carbon tariffs resurface in Copenhagen aftermath
3.2. Analysis: Aviation and Shipping Emissions after Copenhagen
3.3. Miliband: UK will push EU to raise emissions target to 30 per cent


4.1. Cutting carbon emission from vans - a LowCVP webinar
10. 1. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 4 January 2010


1.1. Draft UN text foresees limited CDM expansion
1.2. Secretary-General confers with world leaders on climate change
1.3. UK's Brown says climate change agreement possible
1.4. Climate change raises malaria risk
1.5. EPA explores land protection, climate change overlap


2.1. Decision delayed on carbon capture
2.2. Analysis: Aviation and Shipping Emissions after Copenhagen
2.3. Doors Opening for Carbon Tax
2.4. Jan 31st 2010: the new deadline for saving billions of tonnes of emissions
2.5. Sarkozy scrambles to salvage carbon tax



3. 1. 2010|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news 21 December 2009


1.1. Climate change: Failure is not an option
1.2. Paralysed EU unable to make a difference in Copenhagen
1.3. Climate deal won't cap warming, big gaps
1.4. Kyoto pact in the balance in UN climate endgame
1.5. EU 'disappointed' by Chinese, US climate pledges


2.1. Europe's wind companies snap up U.S. stimulus cash
2.2. Carbon capture to win EU funding before renewables


3.1. EU carbon steady, awaits Copenhagen outcome

20. 12. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Topljenje evropske vodilne vloge v mednarodnih podnebnih pogajanjih

Kopenhagen/Ljubljana, 19. december 2009 – Danes popoldan se je v Kopenhagnu podnebna konferenca končala brez sprejetja pravičnega, ambicioznega in pravno zavezujočega dogovora, ki je bil potreben za preprečitev nevarnih podnebnih sprememb. V kritičnem trenutku, ko je še bilo možno rešiti uspeh pogajanj, EU ni bila sposobna zagotoviti pravega vodstva.

19. 12. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 14 December 2009


1.1. EU cobbles together climate aid for Copenhagen
1.2. EU summit struggles to raise climate aid cash
1.3. EU summit misses opportunity to boost global climate talks
1.4. Rich nations criticize climate draft
1.5. China v. the USA: end of round one


2.1. UN carbon-offsetting scheme 'in urgent need of reform'
2.2. EU should cut emissions by at least 30% to retain leadership, MEPs say
2.3. WWF reaction to Business Europe's statement on EU targets

13. 12. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Akcija ob svetovnem dnevu ukrepanja, 12.12.2009 (Ljubljana, Maribor, Izola)

Spoštovani!Začela se je mednarodna podnebna konferenca v Kopenhagnu. Na njej bodo voditelji držav iskali poti za sklenitev ambicioznega in pravičnega podnebnega dogovora.V soboto,  12. decembra 2009, pa bodo posamezniki po vsem svetu s simbolnimi akcijami pošiljali sporočilo upanja in pričakovanja, da se bo voditeljem uspelo dogovoriti.Svoje sporočilo bomo poslali tudi iz Slovenije. Organizacije pobudnice kampanje Ukrepaj zdaj! vabimo vse, da se nam pridružite: v Ljubljani in Mariboru v soboto 12. decembra ob 18.00, v Izoli pa v petek,11. decembra ob 18.30. Simbolno bomo prižgali svečke upanja in jasnega sporočila, da od naših voditeljev pričakujemo UKREPANJE!Vse podrobnosti v priponki:  vabilo_GAD_121209.pdf  129.16 [več ...]

7. 12. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Akcija ob svetovnem dnevu ukrepanja

V soboto, 12. decembra 2009, je Svetovni dan ukrepanja (Global action day). Po vsem svetu bodo posamezniki na ta dan s simbolnimi akcijami pošiljali sporočilo upanja in pričakovanja, da se svetovni voditelji dogovorijo o novem globalnem podnebnem sporazumu, ki nam bo zagotovil, da ukrotimo v tem trenutku nenadzorovane podnebne spremembe.

7. 12. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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