Vabilo na okroglo mizo

V Focusu stremimo k zagotavljanju učinkovite mobilnosti, kot orodje na poti k temu cilju pa prepoznavamo oživitev javnega potniškega prometa (JPP), ki upošteva potrebe in želje njegovih uporabnikov in te aktivno vključuje v proces sprejemanja ukrepov nadaljnje prometne politike. V okviru projekta Javni prevoz je kul! organiziramo okroglo mizo, na kateri bomo spregovorili o pomembnosti JPP pri reševanju prometne problematike ter spodbudili javno razpravo o razvojnih spodbudah za revitalizacijo JPP v Sloveniji.

Okrogla miza 'Oživitev javnega potniškega prometa v Sloveniji'

bo 8. aprila 2009 od 13. do 15 . ure, v dvorani G, v prostorih Gospodarske zbornice na Dimičevi 13 v Ljubljani .

O priložnostih razvoja JPP v Sloveniji bodo spregovorili :

Patrick Vlačič (Minister za promet)*,

Mitja Pavliha (Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor),

Marko Hren (Ministrstvo za razvoj),

Robert Sever (Gospodarska zbornica),

Boštjan Koren (Slovenske železnice),

Aljaž Plevnik (Urbanistični inštitut RS) in

predstavnik/ca Mestne občine Ljubljana.

Okroglo mizo bo povezovala Vida Petrovčič.

Vljudno vabljeni!

30. 3. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 30 March 2009


1.1. Can Obama rev up climate talks?


2.1. Publication of Verified Emissions data for the year 2008
2.2. Leading global corporations announce 50 million tons of emissions reductions
2.3. EPA finds greenhouse gases endanger health
2.4. Australia wants forest CO2 trade in Copenhagen pact


3.1. Electric avenues: Battery-powered cars take over the roads


4.1. WWF position on the European Neighbourhood Policy and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) mid-term review


5.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
5.2. BIKETOUR 2009
5.3. 5th International Congress for South-East Europe

30. 3. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Vlada varčuje pri varčevanju! Odprto pismo poslancem/kam DZ RS ob obravnavi rebalansa proračuna

Jutri, v sredo, 25. 3. 2009, bodo poslanci DZ RS odločali o rebalansu proračuna za leto 2009. Ob tej priložnosti sta Okoljski center in Greenpeace Slovenije nanje naslovila odprto pismo, v katerem jih opozarjamo, da vlada strateško popolnoma zgrešeno predlaga zmanjšanje proračunskih sredstev za učinkovito rabo in rabo obnovljivih virov energije s 27 milijonov € na 13,5 milijona €, čeprav lani sprejeti akcijski načrt zgolj za doseganje ciljev učinkovite rabe zahteva 40 milijonov € proračunskih sredstev letno. Z izboljšanjem energetske učinkovitosti hkrati obvladujemo izzive gospodarske, podnebne in energetske krize! Zato od poslancev pričakujemo, da pokažejo pogum za spremembe ter zagotovijo [več ...]

24. 3. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 23 March 2009


1.1. Europe running out of time to cough up climate cash
1.2. EU states in downturn think twice on climate fund
1.3. EU plans puts climate finance at risk: industry
1.4. Earth Hour 2009 – What Will You Be Doing?
1.5. EU Calls On Farmers To Start Adapting To Climate


2.1. Commission adopts two regulations to progressively remove from the market non-efficient light bulbs
2.2. Commission pushes ICT use for a greener Europe
2.3. Shell dumps wind, solar and hydro power in favour of biofuels
2.4. Europe's energy chiefs aim for carbon-neutral electricity by 2050


3.1. Japan buys 30 mln tonnes of CO2 rights from Ukraine
3.2. UN fears Brussels rewriting emissions deal


4.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
4.2.. The world in crisis: Economics and Policies for Global Transformation – Alternative Ecofin Conference
4.3. "Nuclear Bank? No Thanks!"
4.4. BIKETOUR 2009

23. 3. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 16 March 2009


1.1. Finance ministers dodge responsibility in climate cash decision
1.2. Sweden sets climate goals example for EU
1.3. Copenhagen summit urges immediate action on climate change
1.4. UN's Ban Says U.S. To Work For 2009 Climate Deal


2.1. EU must not cool its commitment to efficient appliances


3.1. Action needed to avoid world water crisis, UN says


4.1. CEE Bankwatch and Greenpeace reaction to EIB loans to carmakers
4.2. External cost charging moves closer in Eurovignette review


5.1. European Parliament resolution of 11 March 2009 on an EU strategy for a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen and the adequate provision of financing for climate change policy


6.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.2. . The world in crisis: Economics and Policies for Global Transformation – Alternative Ecofin Conference

16. 3. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 9 March 2009


1.1. UN agency targets clean technologies
1.2. Rips in the Arctic Safety Net
1.3. Obama's Cap-and-Trade Plan
1.4. China clings to clean-up amid economic woes


2.1. Green VAT proposal likely to be scrapped
2.2. Recycled nuclear fuel arrives at French port


3.1. Europe’s new climate gambit - shifting the heat onto developing nations?


4.1. Has recession trimmed CO2 output? We'll know by 2010


5.1. EU should not encourage subsidies for new cars


6.1. Job opening at CEE Bankwatch Network -- Energy coordinator


7.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
7.2. Adaptation planning and practices workshop
7.3. The world in crisis: Economics and Policies for Global Transformation – Alternative Ecofin Conference

9. 3. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 2 March 2009


1.1. The EU way to Copenhagen


2.1. EU prepares trade duties for U.S. biofuels
2.2. If nuclear is the answer, the question is not about climate policy 2.3. Greenpeace files illegal state aid complaint for construction of nuclear plants in Romania and Bulgaria


3.1. Rich-nation 2020 greenhouse gas cuts seen at 15 percent
3.2. Polluters pay in Obama's 'green' budget


4.1. Financing the EU's global responsibility
4.2. Public attitudes towards climate change and the impact of transport: 2006, 2007 and 2008
(February 2009 report)
4.4. An outline of the case for a ‘green’ stimulus


5.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA

2. 3. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 23 February 2009


1.1. Less than 300 days
1.2. China says willing to work with US on climate change
1.3. Africa most afflicted by climate change - Czech minister


2.1. Parliament paves way for wider eco-design product list


3.1. Biofuels may speed up, not slow global warming: study
3.2. Electric car charging stations power-up in San Francisco


4.1. Informing. Interpreting. Empowering.


5.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA

23. 2. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Manj kot 300 dni za sklenitev svetovnega podnebnega dogovora

Ljubljana, 19. februar 2009 - Slovenija, Evropska unija in druge svetovne države pospešeno sprejemajo ukrepe za boj proti finančni krizi, okoljevarstveniki pa voditelje držav članic EU opozarjajo, da svetu poleg finančne krize preti tudi podnebna kriza, ki je ne gre prezreti. Ukrepi za reševanje obeh kriz morajo biti skladni in učinkoviti, predvsem pa je nujno oblikovanje pravičnega svetovnega podnebnega dogovora, ki bo zagotovil sredstva za podnebno ukrepanje državam v razvoju.

18. 2. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 16 February 2009


1.1. Nations must ‘act now’ on climate change
1.2. Commission looking to introduce climate in transport TENs policy
1.3. Model sees severe climate change impact by 2050


2.1. Commission expert groups biased towards business


3.1. EU enlists support of award-winning animators to teach children about energy saving
3.2. Greece wins acclaim saying yes to clean energy, no to new coal and nuclear


4.1. Whose views count?

4.2. Economic Assessment of Post-2012 Global Climate Policies - Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Scenarios with the POLES and GEM-E3 models


5.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
5.2. ISC 14 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

16. 2. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 9 February 2009


1.1. World cannot afford to ignore climate change, Ban says at New Delhi summit
1.2. United on climate change: Obama's Chinese revolution
1.3. Scientists plan emergency summit on climate change


2.1. France's Nuclear Failures
2.2. Wind at work


3.1. Ireland sets electric vehicle goal


4.1. Japan calls on nations to cut emissions


5.1. *Programme Manager - Clean Freight*
5.2. Looking for a career with Oxfam?


6.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.2. CDM-EB 45 - Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
6.3. ISC 14 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

9. 2. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 2 February 2009


1.1. Obama urged not to backburner climate change
1.2. Leaders Discuss Global Climate Change Policies
1.3. Europe needs to go much further towards Copenhagen


2.1. California Waiver Start of Clean Energy Future
2.2. Rebound of nuclear plants raising worries over waste
2.3. Reaction to Commission proposal on an economic recovery plan


3.1. Potočnik challenges car industry to go green


4.1. EEW Brochure "Promoting Energy Efficiency in Europe"


5.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA

5.2. CDM-EB 45 - Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism

5.3. ISC 14 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
2. 2. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Predlog Evropske komisije ni zadosten za pravičen podnebni dogovor

Ljubljana, 28. januar 2009 - Danes predstavljeni predlog Evropske komisije za t.i. post 2012 podnebni dogovor, ki predlaga cilje zmanjševanja emisij in financiranje podnebnih ukrepov v državah v razvoju, je po mnenju Focus društva za sonaraven razvoj sicer pomemben korak na poti do dogovora v Kopenhagnu, vendar pa ni zadosten za pravičen podnebni dogovor. 

28. 1. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Nova študija razkriva resnico o tovornjakih

Poziv k opustitvi absurdne prepovedi upoštevanja podnebja, zastojev in nesreč pri cestninjenju tovornih vozil

Bruselj/Ljubljana, 12. januar 2009 – Tovornjaki povzročajo veliko več okoljske škode in zastojev kot se je predvidevalo, verjetnost, da bodo povzročili smrtne žrtve pa je dvakrat večja kot pri avtomobilih, ugotavlja danes objavljena študija T&E (1). Tovornjaki tudi še ne plačujejo za stranske učinke prometa, kot so zastoji, hrup in onesnaženje.

12. 1. 2009|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news 29 December 08


1.1. Tough climate goals easier than feared
1.2. Commodity costs expected to soar from climate change


2.1. Commission clears proposed acquisition of British Energy by EdF, subject to conditions


3.1. Parliament adoption of climate deal forfeits EU role as climate leader


4.1. Climate Change Country Reports


5.2. Vacancy for a Communications Manager

29. 12. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news 15 December 08


1.1. Shame on EU ‘leaders’
1.2. CCPI 2009 report: no country on track to prevent dangerous climate change
1.3. UN talks set programme to a landmark climate pact in '09


2.1. EU agrees to switch off old-style light bulbs by Sept. 2012
2.2. Landmark agreement on EU law to boost clean energy


3.1. MEPs capitulate on deadlines, targets and penalties on fuel efficiency deal
3.2. EU dampens market for high-carbon oil

14. 12. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Central Europeans Warm Up The Climate Talks

Poznan, Poland, 11 dec 2008 – Environmental NGOs and youth from Central and Eastern European (CEE) Countries united together this morning to warm up their official delegations to negotiate effectively at the United Nations Climate Conference of Parties in Poznan, Poland.

11. 12. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 8 December 08


1.1. Countries looking to US leadership on climate
1.2. China, India Want More Commitment From Obama on Climate Change
1.3. EU set to fail climate test


2.1. Future supply concerns grow as oil becomes cheaper


3.1. EU fails to guarantee emissions savings from biofuels
3.2. Cement sector can cut 90% of projected emissions


4.1. Still arguing over the basics in Poznan
4.2. EU agrees low carbon fuel standard
4.3. Compromise cars legislation is dead-end for environment


5.1. Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) is seeking a Fundraiser


6.1. EU energy [R]evolution report
6.2. Analysis of the EU standard on car emissions

8. 12. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

EU pogrnila na podnebnem testu

Bruselj, 5. december – Evropsko vodstvo v boju proti podnebnim spremembam je se danes stopilo, ko okoljskim ministrom ni uspelo dati pozitivnega zagona v pogajanja o ključnem odgovoru Evrope na podnebni izziv – podnebno-energetskem paketu.

6. 12. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 1 December 08


1.1. Indonesia to implement Bali Climate Change recommendation in 2009
1.2. Obama’s Climate Challenge: What to do About China?
1.3. UK says supports EU climate plan despite recession
1.5. UN climate summit seeks clarity


2.1. Greenpeace press reaction on the Commission‘s rescue package for carmakers and the draft nuclear safety directive
2.2. EU risks 'climate time bomb' on biofuels


3.1. Oxfams EU Advocacy Office (Brussels) is seeking an Intern/Project Manager


4.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Poznañ, Poland - COP 14

1. 12. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Pismo predsedniku vlade Borutu Pahorju

Naslednji teden se bodo evropski voditelji zbrali v Poznanu na konferenci ZN o spremembi podnebja (COP14), ki je pomemben mejnik v pogajanjih o globalnem dogovoru o zmanjševanju emisij toplogrednih plinov po letu 2012. V času konference se bo zaključil proces sprejemanja evropskega podnebno – energetskega paketa, ki bo določil položaj EU v mednarodnih pogajanjih.

28. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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